
Jul 11, 2019Stefania Pede
We've partnered up with local charities and non-profit organizations in the GTA to create a way to enjoy chocolate while giving back to the community. $1 from every bar and truffle sold from this collection goes directly to the organization it has been created for. 
The inspiration for this collection came from the desire to give back to the community. Here at Cocoa40, we believe that anyone can make a difference in the world, no matter how small the effort. #Chocolate4Change is our way of giving back to the community. We're making the world a little sweeter, one chocolate at a time. 
 Join the community on social media by using the tag #Chocolate4Change to share your thoughts on the initiative. We'd love to hear your feedback!
For more information on #Chocolate4Change and how you can become a local partner, please email us at info@cocoa40.com or call us at 905-886-5959. We're always looking for more organizations to partner with. 

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